About us
Bodecker Carbon, part of Bodecker Partners, has a high expertise and experience in the EU ETS and emissions trading. We have been active in the market since 2007, as market analysts, portfolio- and risk managers and traders. As part of Bodecker Partners, we also have the highest expertise in Nordic power, GoOs, Elcertificates and PPAs.

Gustav, Sevdie, Mia, Fredrik and Patrik
Fredrik Bodecker, CEO and partner
Fredrik has nearly 25 years of experience in energy trading in electricity, gas, coal, oil and environmental instruments. He has worked in various leading positions at, among others, RWE, Alfa Kraft, Essent, Gunvor and DONG.
Phone: +46 732-558 727
Epost: fredrik@bodeckerpartners.com
Gustaf Sundelius, Partner
Gustaf has over 15 years of experience in the energy industry and has worked as power trader, risk manager and portfolio manager in electricity, gas, electricity certificates, emissions rights and FX as well as with both physical and financial trading and production optimization at E. ON and Modity Energy Trading.
Phone: +46 70-879 69 68
Epost: gustaf@bodeckerpartners.com
Mia Bodin, Partner
Mia has about 18 years of experience in the energy industry and has previously worked as a leading analyst of EU ETS emission allowances, Nordic power and Electricity certificates at E.ON and Modity Energy Trading.
Phone: +46 73-808 18 98
Epost: mia@bodeckerpartners.com
Sevdie Denli
Sevdie has 15 years of experience in the energy industry and has worked in leading positions within market analysis, customer service and risk- & portfolio management for Nordic power, certificates and GoOs at one of Sweden´s most sustainable medium-sized utilities; Varberg Energi.
Phone: +46 73-808 18 80
Epost: sevdie@bodeckerpartners.com
Patrik Åberg
Patrik has over 20 years of experience in the energy and financial industry and has worked as risk manager, treasury dealer and portfolio manager in electricity, natural gas, bio gas, electricity certificates, EU ETS emissions, foreign exchange and fixed income at Alfa Kraft, COOP/KF, Vattenfall Power Management and Göteborg Energi.
Phone: +46 70 646 77 26
Epost: patrik@bodeckerpartners.com